(i was at work stocking beer and setting up the bar when this interview was conducted, it was all really spur of the moment and random, but i feel it's insightful, ENJOY! oh and there's a link to the remix he sent me at the bottom of the interview :))
Ernest: did you get that remix i sent you?
me: Yessir!
Haven't gotten to peep it yet though
What can you tell me about it? And your purpose for this remix?
Also what do you work towards when doing so with someone elses song, are you achieving musically what you intend? Or am I prying?
Ernest: rainbow arabia's manager and my manager both work together and are friends so they both approached me on this,
but i have to say i am in love with her voice now, hopefully i can work more with her,
and since they are doing publicity for the rainbow arabia album it'll help get my mwg name out some more
try to keep the name fresh in people's minds
me: as far as yr other remixes what poises you to make them? Some are from comedy groups, some obscure pych bands, some straight rap.
Ernest: its all stuff that i really like. i looooove the animal collective original. i did one for cyne, rap group but they did one for me for my eg
album. i did one for dmg$(damaged good$) because my manager wants me to work with big dada/ninjatune
there's only one that i think is wack and thats the lady sov one
i was asked by friendly fire record label to do one for the faunts
i think what i have found is that i REALLY enjoy working with sung lyrics versus rappers
there's something really nice about a hard beat with a singer on top...nice contrast
me: What are your thoughts on estelle? Would you consider using one of her tracks? Or maybe (this may be far fetched) but css?
Ernest: i think you'd really like the remix i did for a guy named jor galen
i love css...that alalala song is the sexiest voice ever
i wouldnt wanna remix somrthing old though
me: Why, over done?
Ernest: i think you do have to consider whats new and old especially when the music is brand and marketing driven like mexwithguns but at the same time
that didnt keep me from remixing postal service and that is really played out
the remixes that i have donw that i enjoy listening to most as just a listener are the ones that came from singer/indie rock kind of
me: Do you have any suggestions for ppl that may be interested in what drives you other than what you remix?
To my knowledge you are predominantly a remix artist, will there be a mwg ep or full length of originals?
Ernest: yeah for sure. i think remixes have helped establish the name but i have also been working on originals. the plan is to finish a handful and
shop out a demo, i'd rather work with singers though for mwg. what do you mean what drives me? like the style? influences?
me: Yeah, and what you are working for, yes influences.
Ernest: i think that the mwg sound is more physical and a combo of low brow high brow music
me: Can you emphasize on that?
Ernest: at first i wanted it to be straight party vibe but i realized that i want it to have more shelf life than some basic dance shit
me: Like postal service?(personal opinion, but I can still listen to give up, and the remixes, but not that shins cover.)
Ernest: mwg stuff is pretty much dance and fun shit...to me that's low brow but i want their to be some kind of sophistication to it whether it is the
drum programmind or unlikely lyrics
yeah certain stuff is timeless and classic...postal service will always be good no matter what
i cant say the same for mwg stuff, unless i take it there.
which is something i'd like to do...i dont want it to be completely disposable like so much other dance stuff
its like fashion....certain types of fashion only look good at that point in time but a tux is classic or jeans and tshirt
most of the music right now in my mind is just trendy and has no value.
me: By music you are refering to what you are gonna make or what you listen to?
Ernest: neither...like 50% of what i dj
me: I feel that!
Ernest: i had a ton of fun djing at drafthouse the other day because i took a case of music that i NEVER use...not even once.
me: Djing is almost like being a waiter at a restaurant with a high turnover rate.
Ernest: in what way?
yeah dont be a waiter when you can be a chef, iron chef.
me: And you my friend are a chef :)
Ernest: thats funny man. chef is producer and waiter is dj.
last few times i've seen you dj i have liked that you throw in older stuff...those are good things.
me: Thanks man :) that means a lot to me coming from you, so with the progression of mwg and the tour and projects still to come, how has Exponential as a label been affected?
Ernest: i havent really seen any kind of noticeable effect on the label.
im more excited about my upcoming eg album than enything else really.
me: When's that due to drop? Any collabos on the record?
Ernest: ep in fall and full length in feb
tons of collabos, the album has 13 tracks plus 13 remixes from 16 remixes plus a book with notes and 13 images from illustrators from around
the world, that sounds confusing. 13 originals 16 remixes
me: Hahahaha well this sounds monumental! I remember awhile back you showing me some of the images, and they were awesome, is the ep going to be a
prelude to the full?
Ernest: yeah, ep is 2 originals and 5 remixes
me: when you refer to remixes concerning your personal music as Ernest Gonzales, are they remixes of your songs by other people?
Ernest: yeah, yppah, take, daedelus, faunts, cyne....theres a shitload of them
me: That's rad!, well I'm sure you've figured out by now that I was interviewing you, and picking your brain.
Would you be at all opposed to me publishing some if not all of this?
Ernest: yeah dood go for it
me: And it was pretty much stuff I genuinely wanted to know, and I know others would like to aswell.